Post Nine A
Bracken fern grows around the post.
Bracken is one of the more successful ferns. It can be found in most countries around the world. Bracken love soils with high levels of acidity and will thrive in deep loams and sands.
It spreads through its Rhizomes which have active and dormant buds. The active buds are normally produced from the Rhizomes lying above or just below the surface of the soil; these produce the fronds. The dormant buds produce the fronds in subsequent years.
The fronds normally appear around May and will grow from rigid, straw-colored, smooth stalks.
Bullfinches can sometimes be heard singing in this area when they are setting up territories in spring. Their diet includes tree buds and they like to nest in dense scrub.
Eurasian Bullfinch (male)
Please note there are two posts 9. This is 9B.